

After a nutritional protocol has been established, it is easy to identify the “sins” and to develop a modification of the lifestyle.


If sufficient nutritional change is not sufficient to reach the appropriate target values (table), additional (combination) drug therapy is required.

If a vascular event has already occurred, the drug therapy must be initiated
immediately and maintained for a period of time (under regular control).

arget values of lipid therapy

CH< 200< 160
HDL> 50> 50
LDL²< 130< 100
CH/HDL< 5< 3
TG< 200< 200
Lp(a)< 30< 30
non-HDL-CH*²< 160< 130
non HDL-Lp**²< 190< 160

CH = Cholesterol;
HDL = high-density Lipoprotein;
LDL = low-density Lipoprotein;
TG= Triglyceride;
Lp(a) = Lipoprotein(a);
all limits (except CH/HDL) in mg/dl;
CH: 1 mmol/l = 38.7 mg/dl;
TG: 1 mmol/l = 88.6 mg/dl;

* non-HDL-Cholesterol (Cholesterol – HDL cholesterol) is easier and cheaper to calculate than LDL cholesterol for risk assessment (assessment of a future vascular event or death);

** the inclusion of Lp (a) for which a value of max. 30 mg / dl is the best way to take into account the risk of increased Lp (a) for the therapy decision;

¹optimal: < 150; ²30-er Regel (Differenz Primär- vs. Sekundärprävention)ptimal: < 150; ²30 Rule (Difference between primary and secondary prevention)

Lipoprotein Apheresis

In those patients (extremely rare cases) who are unable to achieve the appropriate target values with a dietary and combined drug therapy, lipoproteinapheresis (blood wash) is required.

This is usually done at weekly intervals at specialized centers, such as: at ATHOS.